The Pro-Fly Fishing S-Series
The S-reel is our "workhorse"voss!
The smoothest reel you will ever use!
It is equipped with a self-lubricating, powerful linear disc-drag which can be adjusted precisely using an easily grasped drag control knob. In operation the reel has a distinctive clicking sound.
It is an easy match for salmon and steelhead, Baltic trout and Caribbean tarpon.
Originally developed for salmon fishing, the S-reel’s rugged design is now also widely appreciated by saltwater fly fishermen.
Our salmon expert André Scholz has supported us actively in making this reel as practical and functional as possible: it has a closed cage to protect the internal parts against knocks, and it may be braked by hand.
Crank and drag control knob are designed in a most efficient manner. The reelfoot is oval-shaped, so that long leaders may be wound securely around it. Spools are counterbalanced.
The S-reel is extremely robust; yet, thanks to additional borings and the use of the most modern production materials, it is a lightweight in its class!
S1 line class 7-9 + 150 m 20 lbs of backing
S2 line class 8-10 + 150 m 30 lbs of backing
S3 line class 10-12 + 180 m 30 lbs of backing